Friday, August 29, 2008

The first woman vice president of the U.S.!

I'm finally excited about the McCain ticket. GOP presidential candidate John McCain named Sarah Palin, governor of Alaska, as his vice presidential running mate. She seems really down to earth (which means she is not a lawyer by trade.) Her husband is a world champion snowmobile racer, she has five kids (I can relate to that) and she evidently can get things done in government.
After the all to recent John Edwards mistress scandal, however, I just wish the Fox News announcer wouldn't have said "McCain tags woman to be running mate." Young folks might have found that choice of wording questionable.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Put up your hummingbird feeders

Hummingbirds are traveling through right now. They are on their way south for fall migration. If you put up a hummingbird feeder on your porch or deck, there is a good chance you could attract a ruby-throated hummingbird, or something more rare. I put my feeder up last week and I have at least three (two males and a female). Fall is the best time to try to attract hummers, so give it a try - they're fun to watch!

Greenleaf Legion to open

George’s Grill & Pub will open inside the Greenleaf American Legion on Sept. 3. Justin Hiltgen will manage the new establishment. There is also rumor the Elite Cafe may reopen.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The jail and the mill levy

We will likely have a story next week on the operation cost of the jail and the mill levy increase proposed by the county commission. Tom Parker is looking into it, but was unable to get ahold of anyone for this week's paper. I admittedly stink at budget/finance stories, but Tom can get the job done.


Just so you don't think we're clueless, we do have feelers out on the situation in Morrowville City government. If anything actually happens, we will report on it. But nothing official has happened yet. We're on the case.

Monday, August 25, 2008

New county treasurer

The Washington County Republican Central Committee appointed Ann Hawk as the Washington County Treasurer tonight as a result of the passing of Roine Tegethoff. This position will last until next October, at which point, whoever is elected in the November general election will fill the position. Hawk won the primary election earlier this month, but may face a write-in campaign from Larry Stigge.