Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jewell to join Pike Valley football program

Jewell High School has signed a cooperative sports agreement with Pike Valley High School to play football at Pike Valley. The combination will make the program the largest in the 8-man division I classification according to the most recent figures. They would be at 100 students compared to Clifton-Clyde at 96, the former top of the classification. I thought having 100 students would require a move to 11-man, but evidently not. Jewell was really hurting for numbers last season.
I've also heard that the school will adopt a four-day week this fall and they've let a few teachers go and a few more have resigned.
Declining enrollment is hurting many small schools in rural Kansas and the Jewell situation is just another example.
According to a story in the Belleville Telescope, a motion was made at the recent Pike Valley school board meeting to stop consolidation talks with Republican County USD 109. The motion died for lack of a second.
I think everyone is being affected by population decline and nobody seems to like it - rightfully so.

1 comment:

J said...

Wait, let me get this straight. They only have to go to school four days a week??? Man did I get cheated!