Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Experimenting with different blog format

I am in the process of constructing a different Backroads Newsroom blog with a different blogging company. Check it out at:

This prospective new blog will also allow me to post content from the print edition of the Washington County News in a more user friendly manner. On the left side of the new blog will be WC News content and on the right will be the blog element of the site.
I'm still trying to figure this out, so until I do, I will keep this Backroads Newsroom site going.

You can just click on this entry's headline to go to the new experimental site.


WCHS108 said...

Is there a way that anyone could start a thread? That way, if someone had a
question/comment/opinion on something they wouldn't have to attach their comment to another topic? They could basically post their question/comment/opinion and then anyone could respond/comment directly to that post. For instance, if I wanted to make a comment on, say, the condition of a road (this is only an example), I could create a thread specifically about that and then people could add their comments. Now, as it is, if someone wants to comment on something other than what topics you have, their comment has to be posted on a different topic that is not related. I'm not bashing you about this, just curious if something like this was a possibility. I think the Backroads Newsroom is going to grow with time and I think you are doing a great job!

J said...

I have wondered about this very thing. At times there are topics I would like to opine about but do not want to take the time to submit to the paper. And converseley it may lead to me getting a new idea to write on, always a good thing.