Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Washington pool

FACT – The Washington City Council (who met tonight) will consider another attempt at passing a sales tax increase to fund a new pool, but this time they are likely considering a 1% tax instead of a 1.2% tax and for a million dollar basic pool instead of a pool with a waterslide and amenities. A vote will likely happen next spring and construction (if approved) would happen in September, 2010.
The pool committee suggested removing the splash grounds/wet deck and the water slide and possibly downsizing the pool a bit. They said the main thing they heard form citizens who were against the original design of the new pool was that it was too fancy.
BITTER OPINION – I guess we're not good enough to have nice things here in good ol' Washington County. I mean, who do we think we are, a progressive city? We should be happy with a basic pool instead of a swimmin' hole in Mill Creek, gosh darnit!
I've always wondered why people do fancy things like wash their cars or mow their lawn. Who do they think they are? City slickers!?
What the hell good is a new pool if all we are doing is adding a zero degree entry and an umbrella splash feature (which hardly anyone uses at the new swimming pools I've been to.)
THEORY – I bet we could cut the price much further if we just dug out the current pool, redid the plumbing and replaced the pool as it is.
MY NEW OPINION – As a retail establishment in Washington, I can't justify making my customers pay 1% more for a zero degree entry. What's the difference between 1% and 1.2%? How about everything that was fun about the original proposal. For $1.20 more per $100, we could have had something really cool in Washington. Now for $1 per $100, we'll have what we have now with a zero degree entry. Big deal. Screw the new pool. Vote no on the 1% sales tax unless they put the slide back in.
And while we're at it, you should all quit mowing your lawns. Too damn fancy. Get over yourselves.
Geez, I should really get a good night's sleep before I post these things! :-(


HFH said...

Awhhhhh what the hell DT. Why not go for the "Big Pig Statue" to while you are at it. You could stand it right in front of the new "Washington Monument"!

- Dan said...

I'll pass on the big pig. I'm glad I didn't live here during that period. I would've likely upset people with my opposition to it.
And thankfully, that thing didn't pass - one of the reasons they wanted it was because Washington County was the top pork producer in Kansas. Now, we're way down the list. So it wouldn't have quite made sense.
Rotary's proposed Washington monument looks really cool though. I'm sure I'll have a front seat view of a whole bunch of folks stopping to have their pictures taken in front of it.
I'm sure the usual suspects will come out in opposition to that too though. I mean, what do we expect? Total support for something new in Washington?
Oops - I didn't quite get my sleep yet...

TD said...

Gee, Dan. Lighten up, sounds like you really do need a nice long nap. Maybe the pool committe is finally getting some common sense. After all, this isn't Topeka or Wichita, or even Salina (who is having their own problems with a pool). Maybe a nice plain pool is exactly what we need without being too frilly.
And , as far as raising your retail price, It's already almost more than its worth.

- Dan said...

Okay Mr. anonymous "td".
With the Washington County News costing $4 per month off the rack or $2.54 per month through a local subscription, I'm sure that is much less costly than the monthly fees you pay for your porn site subscriptions. And my newspaper is at least upstanding.

PTTP said...

Why Dan, taking the lead from your national party? With no substantive arguments to refute TD's publication cost comments, you have decided to spew forth vile personal attacks. Nicely played.

- Dan said...

Hey. This comment is nothing compared to the drivel I posted first... but removed after some better sense took over.
I did forget to leave my smiley face on there from the original post though.
There it is.

- Dan said...

If you want to stay anonymous, you shouldn't expose your anti-GOP leanings. I can pretty much narrow you down to at least one of the seven Democrats in the county. ;-)

TD said...

Dan, Dan,, at least the porn sites are entertaining! As far as being anonymous, ain't cyberland great... bwaaaahhaaaaahhaaaaa, .

J said...

Man I haven't had this much fun since I watched sarah palin kick some but in her speech at the RNC.

and just so I'm not as anonymous this is Josh